The Lord, My Healer 6; Understanding The Healing Anointing
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The Lord, My Healer 6; Understanding The Healing Anointing

Jesus is the pure typology of how we ought to be as God's children. He did ministry by the anointing, and just like God did not let Jesus start His ministry without His empowerment, He will not let you start anything without the empowerment of the Spirit. (Mark 1:9-11 KJV)

The Holy Spirit is present in your life for a reason. He is the carrier of the anointing; your empowerment for life and destiny. He must come upon you first and empower you with the anointing before you set out. Even Jesus did not do ministry without the anointing, neither did he send his disciples out without the anointing. (Luke 4:18 KJV)

The first thing this anointing does is to empower you to preach. When you preach, people begin to hear and from hearing, they begin to get healed.

What is the Anointing?

  • It is an empowerment from God.
  • It is the enduement of God to stand in the capacity of God on the earth.
  • You can do what God has called you to do because he has enabled you to do it.

If you're one of those who have the anointing but do not use it, you must understand that you would give an account of that anointing before God. When God gives a gift, you are going to give an account of that gift.

Be bold to minister; be bold in your anointing. The more you minister and use the anointing, the more its operation in your life increases and gets stronger. (Luke 5:17 KJV)

In the component of the anointing is something called Healing. If your health is broken, there is something in the anointing that can fix it. The anointing does just fix the broken body, it fixes the broken hearted too.

You must understand that the anointing is present to heal you in corporate meetings. In these meetings, you need to submit your body, or whatever needs healing, to the anointing. You don't have to wait for case to be called to get healed, just press into thed healing and anointing that is present already.

How Do You Benefit From The Anointing?

  1. Recognise the anointing (Matthew 9:20; Genesis 28:16 KJV)
  2. Honour the anointing
  3. Believe in the capacity of the anointing

Jesus is the pure typology of how we ought to be as God's children. He did ministry by the anointing, and just like God did not let Jesus start His ministry without His empowerment, He will not let you start anything without the empowerment of the Spirit. (Mark 1:9-11 KJV)

The Holy Spirit is present in your life for a reason. He is the carrier of the anointing; your empowerment for life and destiny. He must come upon you first and empower you with the anointing before you set out. Even Jesus did not do ministry without the anointing, neither did he send his disciples out without the anointing. (Luke 4:18 KJV)

The first thing this anointing does is to empower you to preach. When you preach, people begin to hear and from hearing, they begin to get healed.

What is the Anointing?

  • It is an empowerment from God.
  • It is the enduement of God to stand in the capacity of God on the earth.
  • You can do what God has called you to do because he has enabled you to do it.

If you're one of those who have the anointing but do not use it, you must understand that you would give an account of that anointing before God. When God gives a gift, you are going to give an account of that gift.

Be bold to minister; be bold in your anointing. The more you minister and use the anointing, the more its operation in your life increases and gets stronger. (Luke 5:17 KJV)

In the component of the anointing is something called Healing. If your health is broken, there is something in the anointing that can fix it. The anointing does just fix the broken body, it fixes the broken hearted too.

You must understand that the anointing is present to heal you in corporate meetings. In these meetings, you need to submit your body, or whatever needs healing, to the anointing. You don't have to wait for case to be called to get healed, just press into thed healing and anointing that is present already.

How Do You Benefit From The Anointing?

  1. Recognise the anointing (Matthew 9:20; Genesis 28:16 KJV)
  2. Honour the anointing
  3. Believe in the capacity of the anointing