Natured in Christ, Nurturing Unto Christ 6; Exercising the Nature of Christ
Preaching starts at 1:11:25
Natured in Christ, Nurturing Unto Christ 6; Exercising the Nature of Christ

For anything to be called nature, it must have a possibility in its life. This is why a dog has the nature of an animal, a tree has the nature of a plant, and God's kind of life produces God's nature (Psalms 82:6 KJV).

The nature of God produces the capacity and possibilities of God. As much as this nature is nurtured, it must also be exercised. When nature is exercised, the power of that nature is released. On the other hand, a nurtured nature that is not exercised will live and remain an ordinary life.

The following are the reasons why you have to exercise the nature of God in you:

  1. To be a blessing to your world (Romans 8:19 KJV).
  2. To destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8 KJV).
  3. To dominate and live as you have been designed.

Having known the reasons why you should exercise the nature of God in you, how do you go about it?

  1. Awaken to the consciousness of your nature (2 Corinthians 5:17,21 KJV; Colossians 3:7-15 NLT).
  2. Interact with the possibilities of your divine nature (John 14:12 KJV).
  3. Step out in faith.

Engaging in divine possibilities brings divine results, however, if you don’t engage these possibilities, you would not see them.

For anything to be called nature, it must have a possibility in its life. This is why a dog has the nature of an animal, a tree has the nature of a plant, and God's kind of life produces God's nature (Psalms 82:6 KJV).

The nature of God produces the capacity and possibilities of God. As much as this nature is nurtured, it must also be exercised. When nature is exercised, the power of that nature is released. On the other hand, a nurtured nature that is not exercised will live and remain an ordinary life.

The following are the reasons why you have to exercise the nature of God in you:

  1. To be a blessing to your world (Romans 8:19 KJV).
  2. To destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8 KJV).
  3. To dominate and live as you have been designed.

Having known the reasons why you should exercise the nature of God in you, how do you go about it?

  1. Awaken to the consciousness of your nature (2 Corinthians 5:17,21 KJV; Colossians 3:7-15 NLT).
  2. Interact with the possibilities of your divine nature (John 14:12 KJV).
  3. Step out in faith.

Engaging in divine possibilities brings divine results, however, if you don’t engage these possibilities, you would not see them.