Environment is very important in the development of nature. Before God made man, He took His time to first create an environment (The Garden of Eden), and then He made man into that environment. This shows how intentional God is about our environment.
For a particular nature to grow, it has to be in the right environment. Man is a tripartite being, which means he is a spirit, he has a soul and he lives in a body. For the nature of God in man to thrive, he must be in a good environment with respect to these three states which are:
1. Spiritual Environment
2. Intellectual Environment
3. Physical Environment
If a man's intellectual or physical environment is wrong, his spiritual environment (church) can correct and impose certain things on his nature, thereby making him better.
The following are five vital ways a man's church will impart on his nature:
1. Feeding him with the right diet (Jeremiah 3:18 KJV)
2. The right company that will cause him to thrive (Hebrews 10:25 KJV, 1 Corinthians 15:33 KJV)
3. Stability (Psalms 92:13-14 KJV, 2 Timothy 4:3 KJV)
4. Security (Psalms 68:6 NLT, Psalms 23:1-5 KJV)
5. The right environment for his spirit man to thrive (Galatians 5:25 KJV)