Natured In Christ, Nurturing Unto Christ 4; Major Causes of Arrested Development in Nurturing
Preaching starts at 52:00
Natured In Christ, Nurturing Unto Christ 4; Major Causes of Arrested Development in Nurturing
Everybody is ordinary until they are trained. It is your training that makes you exceptional. A doctor is just an ordinary person until he is trained; the same is applicable to a Christian. God does not commit assignments to just Christians, He commits assignments to Trained Christians.
As Christians, when we become born again, there is a reception of Christ in our nature, and this new nature, has to be developed (Galatians 4:19 NLT). However, there is something called arrested development, whereby the growth and development of the nature of God in a believer is suddenly stopped (Ecclesiastes 10:16 KJV). Things That Cause Arrested Development 1. Wrong teaching, incomplete doctrines and bad pastoring 2. Lack of exercise (1 Timothy 4:7-8 NLT) 3. Doubt (Matthew 14:28,31 KJV) 4. Offense in God and church
Everybody is ordinary until they are trained. It is your training that makes you exceptional. A doctor is just an ordinary person until he is trained; the same is applicable to a Christian. God does not commit assignments to just Christians, He commits assignments to Trained Christians.
As Christians, when we become born again, there is a reception of Christ in our nature, and this new nature, has to be developed (Galatians 4:19 NLT). However, there is something called arrested development, whereby the growth and development of the nature of God in a believer is suddenly stopped (Ecclesiastes 10:16 KJV). Things That Cause Arrested Development 1. Wrong teaching, incomplete doctrines and bad pastoring 2. Lack of exercise (1 Timothy 4:7-8 NLT) 3. Doubt (Matthew 14:28,31 KJV) 4. Offense in God and church