Everyone has an operating system. For us as believers, our O.S is our doctrines. The things you feed on over the years has a part to play in your operating system. What you install in your OS will affect what you are able to do.
Some of the issues in marriages are caused by the differences in the couples' OS. That a person is good does not necessarily mean he/she is good for you. You must understand that good is not enough because there is something called compatibility. Your operating system with your spouse has to be compatible.
While the agenda of God is irreplaceable, the personnel involved are replaceable. The plan of God will always stand but the player may change, so everytime God calls you to play a part in His plan, it's a privilege.
That God led you to man or woman does not guarantee that that marriage will stand. The leading of God in marriage is for destiny alignment, not marriage workability.
Divine direction starts a good relationship, however, divine wisdom carries the relationship. Every relationship that will stand is on the mercy of divine wisdom. Divine direction brings you and your partner together, divine wisdom is what builds your relationship up. What builds a home is divine wisdom, not divine direction. Wisdom is the agency of construction. If you stop at divine direction, you have only stopped at the foundation; and no one lives in just the foundation of a house. (Proverbs 24:3; Proverbs 14:1; 1 Corinthians 3:10 KJV)
Three Expressions of Wisdom in Building Your Relationship/Marriage
Everyone has an operating system. For us as believers, our O.S is our doctrines. The things you feed on over the years has a part to play in your operating system. What you install in your OS will affect what you are able to do.
Some of the issues in marriages are caused by the differences in the couples' OS. That a person is good does not necessarily mean he/she is good for you. You must understand that good is not enough because there is something called compatibility. Your operating system with your spouse has to be compatible.
While the agenda of God is irreplaceable, the personnel involved are replaceable. The plan of God will always stand but the player may change, so everytime God calls you to play a part in His plan, it's a privilege.
That God led you to man or woman does not guarantee that that marriage will stand. The leading of God in marriage is for destiny alignment, not marriage workability.
Divine direction starts a good relationship, however, divine wisdom carries the relationship. Every relationship that will stand is on the mercy of divine wisdom. Divine direction brings you and your partner together, divine wisdom is what builds your relationship up. What builds a home is divine wisdom, not divine direction. Wisdom is the agency of construction. If you stop at divine direction, you have only stopped at the foundation; and no one lives in just the foundation of a house. (Proverbs 24:3; Proverbs 14:1; 1 Corinthians 3:10 KJV)
Three Expressions of Wisdom in Building Your Relationship/Marriage
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